

For many years, I have been trying to figure out why we do what we do, and what we can do to improve our performance and results.

The articles on this site combine the latest science from behavioural psychology with practical application strategies that allow you to immediately implement the key lessons in your life. As a result, you will find ways to improve your mindset, productivity and energy levels to ensure you are always performing at your best.

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Below you will find all of my articles organised by category.

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Mental Toughness

Decision Making

Why You 100% Absolutely Need To Be Setting Goals

Goal setting is big business. There are over 50,000 results for Goal Setting books on Amazon. Every personal development program involves some form of goal setting. In business, you will find entire consultancies [...]


Discipline Discipline is one of the key contributors to success. If you look behind the external persona successful people portray, you will see how they disciplined themselves to do things day in and [...]


Commitment is something required to reach your goals, but what does it mean to be committed to something? If I look back on my life, I can clearly see I didn't understand the [...]

Positive Psychology

4 Ways To Give Your Self-Efficacy A Serious Boost

4 Ways To Give Your Self-Efficacy A Serious Boost Boosting your self-efficacy is a simple, yet powerful way to improve the levels of success and happiness you experience in your life. Each [...]

Productivity & Focus

The Do’s And Don’ts Of New Years Resolutions

The Do's And Don'ts Of New Years Resolutions January is a great time for setting goals and New Year's Resolutions allow us to start the year full of motivation and excitement. However, most [...]

7 Questions To Figure Out Your Life’s Purpose

7 Questions To Figure Out Your Life's Purpose The question “What is my life’s purpose?” has inadvertently stolen so much time and passion from those who are unfortunate to ask it. On [...]


The Do’s And Don’ts Of New Years Resolutions

The Do's And Don'ts Of New Years Resolutions January is a great time for setting goals and New Year's Resolutions allow us to start the year full of motivation and excitement. However, most [...]

11 Top Tips To Wake Up Early Every Day

Waking up early is a great way to get a head start on the day but getting out from under the duvet isn’t always the easiest thing to do. The dark hours of the [...]

Self Improvement

Strength Training

Wellness & Longevity

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Purpose, Energy, Productivity

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