Coaching with Dan Storey

Dan Storey. has been coaching entrepreneurs, sportspeople and other high-performance individuals for over 15 years.

Using a combination of neuro-linguistic programming, tools from decision psychology, and profiling tools that measure traits like mental toughness, Dan is able to help people create breakthroughs in life even if they have been stuck in a rut for a long time.

Check out some of Dan’s relevant coaching qualifications and experience below:

  • 2 x Master Practitioner Certificates in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • MSc in Behavioural Decision Psychology
  • Qualified to use DiSC and MTQ Profiling Tools
  • Coaching Professional – Henley Business School

Why You Might Need Coaching?

You should consider getting a coach when you feel a desire for positive change, seek clarity in your goals, or face challenges that seem overwhelming. Coaching offers a unique external perspective, unbiased support, and a structured approach to goal-setting, making the coaching process effective and transformative. Whether you are looking to improve your career, relationships, or overall life satisfaction, coaching provides a valuable space for self-discovery and action, ultimately helping you lead a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Do you recognise any of the following situations?

  • Major life events that cause you to look at the future differently.

  • Frustration with your current situation that you are determined to change.

  • Career transitions where you want to break out of your current mould and reinvent yourself.

  • Significant fitness or physique goals that will create a new level of energy and vitality.

  • A period of self-discovery where you are trying to figure out what you want out of life.

If so, now might be the right time to get a coach to help you on your journey.

For a free consultation with Dan Storey to find out if coaching will be right for you, simply click below.

Book Your FREE Consultation

Benefits of Coaching

& Direction

Put an end to wasted days, uncertain pursuits and half-finished projects. Get clear on exactly what you should be focusing on.

Mindset Strengths

Get data on your areas of mental strength and determine how to improve performance based on your mindset and psychology.

& Focus

Get the right level of support and accountability in the way you need it the most to help you reach your full potential.

Achieve The
Highest Of Goals

Winners get coaching when they want something significant. Expect more, then work to become the person to achieve it.

Coaching with Dan Storey

1-1 coaching with Dan Storey is the fastest way to transform your performance and results and make progress toward your goals.

To start any journey, you need to figure out where you are going and where you are starting from. Using a combination of goal setting and psychological profiling, you will get clear on your objectives and motivations before embarking on a coaching journey that focuses on developing you into the person that can achieve any goal you set for yourself.

All coaching sessions are conducted online, and additionally, you get the additional support from Dan as a client:

  • Regular 1-1 calls with Dan Storey

  • Psychometric Testing & Reports

  • Personal Transformation Blueprint Workbook

  • Whatsapp Access For Quick Check Ins

  • Private Monthly Webinar For All Coaching Clients

  • Priority Access To New Courses, Books & Programs

To see if coaching is right for you, book a free 15 minute consultation with Dan to discuss your key objectives, availability and which package would be best for you.

Book Your FREE Consultation


Click the button below to book yourself in for your free coaching consultation to find out if coaching is right for you. 

Book Your FREE Consultation