Dan Storey

About Dan Storey

Dan Storey is a behavioural scientist on a mission to help people get unstuck from the status quo and make better decisions that move them toward a more fulfilling life. As an author, trainer, and motivational speaker, Dan works with teams and individuals who want to overcome burnout, rediscover their passion and purpose, and generally re-engage with life and work. Dan has made it his mission to help people get unstuck, unleash their true potential and live life at a level they only dreamed possible.


2024-11-18T18:59:27+00:00By |

Excuses Being under pressure isn't enjoyable. When we experience stress, our body's natural reaction is to want to alleviate that feeling and give us a break. We believe that if we experience too much tension then something inside of us will break. Deep down, we are scared that we aren't [...]

What is Optimism?

2024-11-18T19:00:27+00:00By |

What is Optimism? Let's say there is a glass of water in front of you that contains 50% water. Does the way you look at the glass as either half full or half empty determine whether you are an optimist, or is there something more to the concept of optimism [...]

Goal Setting Guide For Newbies

2024-11-18T19:00:54+00:00By |

Goal setting is one of the most fundamental aspects on the journey to success. Almost every motivational speaker and trainer starts off their program with some form of goal setting exercise, and there are almost 10,000 products related to goal setting listed on Amazon. If you have never set goals [...]

Wheel of Life Exercise

2024-11-18T19:01:27+00:00By |

The Wheel of Life exercise is a great way to focus your attention on the areas of life that could benefit from some development. If you are about to set some goals, doing a general life review or want to know some different aspects of life to explore, the Wheel [...]

De-Stress To Hit Your Goals

2024-11-18T19:01:54+00:00By |

If you imagine someone completely focused on achieving their goals, what sort of picture comes to mind? For most of us, we imagine someone working hard, pushing their body and mind to the limits to fulfil their dreams, not stopping until they realise their full potential. Stress and goals just [...]

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